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Paid Advertising

Are you interested in advertising with our company?

Below are the different types of advertising services we provide.

We offer many options and are confident, you will find one to fit your needs.

Advertising accepted only in accordance with our Terms.

Additionally you will find a list of sites for which we do not accept advertising here

How it works:
  • Click one of our advertising offers from below.
  • If this package allows targeting - select your target groups.
  • When you are done you will have the price, that you need to pay, calculated.
  • Payments are by Payza only - fees apply - during the payment process, please agree to pay the Payza fee by selecting the option marked ' recipient receives full amount ' before sending.
  • AGAIN: To ensure the sustainability of our site you must select the option to accept the fee cost, in your Payza account before you send payment (located in 'Fees' section immediately below the amount you are sending, and marked: ' Recipient receives full amount ').
  • Failure to comply will result in rejection and refund - any fee associated with the refund is at your expense and may result in you receiving less than you sent.
  • Payments may be sent directly through Payza to sheilatomkinson@googlemail.com
  • After you have paid for your ad package, please fill out the "Order Form"
    on the last step to complete the advertisement ordering process.
  • Complete all the information requested on the form then click submit.
  • If you are not a member of tesasteamails.com, you may purchase advertising on this page, using x23 in front of your choice of username, and submit the rest of the ad and the payment. To check your ad stats, please use this link, substituting your username without the x23.
  • Once your payment has been confirmed, we will process your order as soon as possible. PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE EMAIL ADDRESS THAT YOU USE IS VALID AND CAN RECEIVE OUR NOTIFICATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS!!

Ad Packages


Affiliate Page (Renewal Only)

Affiliate Page (Renewal Only): If you wish to renew an existing Affiliate Page and do not wish to resubmit your ads - Please use the orders here.

If your page has already expired and you wish to renew, please use the links in the Ad Packages Section - HERE

OR Redemption HERE

Affiliate Page Paid To Click:

Upgraded Members receive additional Advertising & Referral benefits

Paid Email Advertising
Email advertising is a cost effective way to get your site / product viewed.

Regular Cash Emails (No Search):
Regular Email to Members of Whatcash
All Members of WhatCash receiving the e-mail have requested it, thus giving you, the advertiser, a great selection of interested viewers.

Cheap Cash Emails (No Search): Cheap Emails are an ideal way to advertise Paid To Promote Programs. The low cost allows Advertisers to get maximum benefits from their PTP Programs.

Paid-To-Click Advertising
Paid-To-Click advertising is fast, efficient, and very cost effective. You decide how many visitors you want to have...never paying for a lost visit or something you aren't getting. You supply the 468x60 banner and your URL, we'll do the rest, and send you as many 24 hour unique visitors as you'd like ! PTC ads are cash or point value, you decide !

Regular Cash Paid To Click (No Search):

Cheap Cash Paid To Click (No Search): Cheap Paid To Click Ads are an ideal way to advertise Paid To Promote Programs. The low cost allows Advertisers to get maximum benefits from their PTP Programs.

Contest Paid To Click (No Search): Contest Paid To Clicks are an ideal way to advertise, especially Paid To Promote Programs. The low cost allows Advertisers to get maximum benefits from their PTP Programs. Click-through is improved as Members have a chance of winning a prize after a pre-determined number of clicks.

Hangman: 5 second ptc with 24 hour lock

Banner Impression Advertising
Your 468x60 banner inserted into rotation on the top of each page of the website. This is a great way to catch peoples interest, just as much publicity, if not more than, advertising in the member e-Mails. The banners will be displayed on every page of the site, randomly mixed in with other banners.

Regular Banner Impressions:

Email Sponsor Advertising

Top/Bottom Sponsor Ads that are shown in every paid email sent to our Members

Side Links
Side Links show on every page of the Program, so are constantly visible to Members and Visitors
Sidelinks should contain no more than 80 characters (spaces included)
No ptp-pages allowed for sidelinks!

Personal PTC Pages
10 x Banner 468 x 60 Exposures have a unique price per click and will last until the purchased number of clicks has been reached. These are UNIQUE VISITORS as each user may click only ONCE per ad. These ads are visible in the members paid2click area

* This ad allows targeting. Price determined after choosing targets.

Payments may be sent directly through:

Skrill: sheilatomkinson@googlemail.com

After you have paid for your upgrade, please fill out the Order Form below to complete the advertisement ordering process.

We reserve the right to refuse any advertising request which we feel to be unsuitable for Whatcash.

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your User Name:
Type of advertising:
Payment Method:
AD Information:
(Please include any information that you will want to be displayed with your advertisement)

Check this box if you have submitted this form truthfully, and you have every intention of making the required payment for the advertising.

Total Members:
Total Active Members:

Total AU, CA, US & UK Searchers:

Total Paid Out:

Banners In Rotation:
Mails in queue:

We take your privacy very seriously and your details are never passed to any third party. If you would like to view our Privacy Policy please click here .
Logo and Banners by Sherry-Lynn
All Rights Reserved. 2003-present Whatcash.com No material from this site may be reproduced or distributed
without the written permission of the owner Whatcash.com
Site Hosted By MadeRite Hosting
Whatcash.com is owned and operated by Sheila Tomkinson, Dartford, Kent, United Kingdom